"Daj petnajst nebo dvajset rodin je nas bilo tamo, Hrvati. Ale aj Preravci su bili, aj z Gutfjelta. Z Gutfjelta jih bilo malo, bojset dva, tri."
- Tako to je bilo dobro, da ste tamo bili si tako skupa, Hrvati.
"No a tako mi sme govorili nek hrvatski, aj tamo. Kako drugačije? Ti stari su bili nek za to, su govorili takaj hrvatski si. No tako sa aj dica vani, na placi. A med suobu su bili, tako su govorili hrvatski." „
- A kad su dica šli v škuolu, nisu imali probleme?
"Tako juskot mi. Mi sme govorili va Frielištofi nek hrvatski, a va škuoli česki."
- A dica, sada mlim české děti, nisu se njim smijali?
"Ne. Aj Nimci, aj ti, si sme bili po kupi. Nikomu to ni škuodilo."
"There were about 15 or 20 Croatian families. Some of them were from Přerov or Dobré pole. But the ones from Dobre pole were few, just two or maybe three.
It's good we were together like this. We spoke only Croatian, what else? The elders wanted to speak Croatian so we all spoke Croatian. Even the kids when they were playing outside on the street, they spoke Croatian."
- Didn't they get into trouble for that in school?
"Not any more than we did when we went to school in Frélichov. We spoke Croatian at home and Czech at school."
- I mean the Czech kids. Didn't they laugh at the Croatian kids for that?
"Not at all. There were Germans as well, we lived together and nobody had a problem with it."
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