To je bilo furt, to je bilo takovo se, ča ja znam, to je bilo ništo strašnuoga. Sa su došli, su nas selili, su nas naložili na naklaďák, ja sam bila těhotna s Jozu akorát. Já sam upala, sa su me htili va špital, ja sam velila ja nigde ne griem. Kada ja ću se brusit a ću je iskat pak po tuom. Ja nigde ne griem. Ja sam tako skusila va tom auti kad su nas vozili, ja sam mljala da će mi ovo se ta hrbac vipast. Sa su nas v Breclavu, sa sme cielu noć čekali, aj s dobitkom, ja sam morala puojt duojit, va vaguoni krave. Sa sme se selili, sa sme šli tamo, sa sme morali jit zopet to pokrmit, to pokrmit, blago je htilo žerat. Pipke, se, ziece, pipke, svinje. To su se na ta vaguon a nas s nimi, se. No sieno, slamu, krumpire, bagundu, no se. To su nas tako naložili na ti vaguone a to sme morali tako puojt s tim. A spat tamo a se. A ča muoreš dielat? Ništ. Tako sme tako šli. Po cielej cesti sme se drncljali. Velim, to je bilo. Nikomu takove tie ne přeju. To je bilo strašno. To se ne da povidat.“
“It was terrible, they began to move us, to load us up on a truck. I was pregnant at the time. I fell down and they wanted to send me to a hospital. I didn’t go because I had absolutely no idea how I would meet up with my family again. The journey was very strenuous. I was afraid I would lose my child. They took us to Břeclav where we stayed overnight together with our livestock. I had to feed and milk our cows. I also had to feed our chicken, pigs and rabbits. We were transporting hay, straw, potatoes, turnip – just about everything. We had to sleep in these cars as well. But what can you do? Nothing. So we just tried to hold out and the journey went on. It was a terrible experience.”
Růžena Babičová rođena je 1922. u Frielištofu. Po završetku rata udala se za Hrvata, Františeka Babiča te je njihova obitelj 1949. prognana i doseljena u grad Huzovu u sjevernoj Moravskoj. Ipak, kako joj je rodno selo veoma nedostajalo, nastavila se u njega vraćati pedesetih godina iako za to nije imala potrebne dozvole. Obitelj se šezdesetih godina preselila u južnu Moravsku. Babičová trenutno živi u Břeclavu.
Růžena Babičová was born in 1922 in Frélichov. After the war, she married František Babič, a Croat. In 1949, the family was displaced and moved to the town of Huzová in northern Moravia. However, as she was passionately missing her native village, she kept coming back in the fifties even though she was missing the necessary permits. The family moved to southern Moravia in the sixties. At prezent she lives in Břeclav.
Růžena Babičová was born in 1922 in Frélichov. After the war, she married František Babič, a Croat. In 1949, the family was displaced and moved to the town of Huzová in northern Moravia. However, as she was passionately missing her native village, she kept coming back in the fifties even though she was missing the necessary permits. The family moved to southern Moravia in the sixties. At prezent she lives in Břeclav.
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