"The girl from the first couple of the feast had to feed the billy-goat for three weeks at least. Then they put a blanket over it and uncle Jan Marx was parading it through the village. After the feast they made goulash from this billy-goat. I didn't want to eat it and so I went to bed. But Josef Šuljera, Slunský, came to me and said: 'You cannot sleep now, you have to go there! They can't do without you!' So I got up and we went to the feast together. Goulash was eaten and we offered it to others who were there as well. Nine girls and nine boys were there as stáreks and stárkas that year. It was nice."
Magdaléna Czehowská rođena je 1931. u Frielištofu. Obitelj je posjedovala veliku farmu, a Magdaléna je 1947. bila djevojka u glavnome paru kiritofa, hrvatskog seoskog goda. 1949. obitelj je prognana u Huzovu u sjevernoj Moravskoj. S mužem Josefom Czehowskýjem, koji također je bio Hrvat iz Frielištofa, imala je tri kćeri s kojima su komunicirali na hrvatskom. Magdalena Czehowská sada živi u Lipini.
Magdaléna Czehowská was born in 1931 in Frélichov. The family had a large farm and in 1947, Magdaléna was the girl of the main couple of kiritof, the Croatian Feast. In 1949 the family was displaced to Huzová in northern Moravia. Her husband, Josef Czehowský, was a Croat from Frélichov as well. They had three daughters with whom they spoke Croatian. Magdalena Czehowská now lives in Lipina.
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