"Hrvatska jačka lipa je. Hrvatska jačka lipa. Hrvati sme se zrodili, Hrvati ćeme ostati.
Vu jačku, Hrvati sme se zrodili, sme jačili, kad su nas brali Čehi, komunisti, da morame van. Tako sme si to jačili furt v šenkauzi, v hospodě. Tako sme jačili, da sme Hrvati a da ćeme ostat Hrvati. A jim se to jako neljubilo."
"Croatian song is a beautiful song. Croatian song is beautiful. Born as Croats, we will die as Croats.
We sang this song when the Czechs, communists, were displacing us. We were still singing it, in pubs, everywhere… singing that we were Croats and that we would remain Croats. They didn't like it at all."
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