subota, 5. siječnja 2013.

Kad su njih selili va Huzovu / Moving to Huzová (Magdalena Czehowska)

"No jo, je to bilo sakojačke, plača aj sega. To sme dostali degret, a maja furt su velili: 'No, oš nimam kot kisne udielane, na te guske...' A se sme si mogli ziet suobu. Sme imali asi trideset tih vaguonov. To je biv jedan zug a to je prostě, ti su nas vozili a vojaki su nas pak selili va tu Huzovu. Maja nisu htili puojt drugdien nek va Huzovu, zato da tamo ur su bili rodjiči. Zatoda maja su bili pak sami. Tako nisu htili puojt drugdien. Da imaju rodjiči tamo, mi sme bili četira dica. No ti su bili, Franz ur je biv takaj, ur je imav petnajst liet, kad sme šli kraj."

- A vam je bilo kuoliko?

"Osamnajst. A sestra sedamnajst."

"Well, it was... lot of tears. We received the decree, mother kept saying that the crates for the geese were not ready yet. We were allowed to take everything with us. There was one train for us, some thirty wagons. Soldiers moved us to Huzová. Mother didn't want to go anywhere else, because her parents had already been displaced to Huzová. At that time she was alone, just with us four children. Franta was fifteen, I was eighteen, and my sister seventeen."

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