subota, 5. siječnja 2013.

Mesopust, Vazma / Carnival, Easter (Magdalena Czehowska)

"A kad je biv mesopust, tako je se tancalo v nedilju, pondiljak, utorak, nek do puovnoći. Pak je biv popelec, pak ur se ni tancalo. Je bilo tih šiest tajedan ni bila nijedna muzika. Pak ur su bili tie vazma, na te vazma prvi dan ne, ale drugi dan ur je bila muzika. V pondiljak. V nedilju to je biv vielik svietak, tako to se ni tancalo. To je biv kršćanski takov zvik."

"During the carnival there was dancing on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday till midnight. Then there was the Ash Wednesday, there was no dancing anymore. There was no music for the subsequent six weeks. Then Easter came, there was still no music on the first day, but music began to play on Monday. Sunday was a high holiday, there was no dancing. It was a Christian custom."

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