ponedjeljak, 7. siječnja 2013.

Joški / The Jožkas (Magdalena Czehowska)

"A Joški su tamo bili. A sada ti Joški su dielali kot kontrolu sudien. A mi sme imali lipu bričku, aj k tomu tie postroje, a sada su si duošli pro to. A oni su velili: 'Kadien to imate?' Maja veliju: 'Ja to duoma nimam, ja to imam v pivnici na puodi.' To su bili aj preshaus, sme imali. A on je veliv: 'Na to jsem právě čekal! Co řeknete, kde to máte.' Sada ta maja su šli s nim va tu pivnicu a je to ziev. No a su s tim holt jezdili. Pak su mu velili: 'No, Jožko,' on se imenovav Jožka, ale kako je mu bilo to ja ni znam. A on je veliv: 'A co, na co to potřebujete?' 'No tak, jste říkal, že to vrátíte.' Zatím on je njih tamo dobiv, ta Joška tu maju, tak su bili cieli dobiti. Představte si, že potom byl aj v Rymařově ta Jožka, a chtěl, da bude Franz, kot brat, dielat u njega, on je biv zidar. A maja su velili: 'To nigda, to nieću dovuolit. Da bi šav on pod njega dielat.' To su bili nikakovi ti partizanri, nebo ja nie znam, ča su to bili. On je biv, no po vojski je biv va Frielištofi. To su bili, je li su to bili partizanri. Ja nie znam, ča su to bili. Joški sme njim velili, da su Joški."

"The Jožkas were doing some kind of an inspection everywhere. We had a nice buggy a harness to go with it, and they came for it. They said: 'Where is it?' Mother replied: 'I don't have it at home, but in the cellar and in the attic.' He said: 'That's what I wanted to hear, to know where you keep it!' Mother went to the cellar with him and he took it and they were then riding in that buggy. After some time mother told him to return it. And he beat her for it, she was all beaten up. Now imagine that this Jožka later lived in Rýmařov and he wanted my brother František to come there to work with him, he was a bricklayer. But mother opposed it, she said she would never allow him to work for such a man. They were some partisans who came to Frélichov after the war. We called them Jožkas."

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